Woman standing on spiral stairs (Danist Soh)


Scope of application

This disclaimer and this privacy statement apply to (the use of) all external advertising and/or other statements of The Evaluators, having its registered office and principal place of business in Hilversum, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under no. 82589739 (hereinafter referred to as: "we", "us" or "our"), including but not limited to our website(s) and the electronic newsletters and other messages sent by us. All of these communications combined are hereinafter referred to as: "Communications".


The Communications provide general information regarding our services and products and/or legal or other topics. If these Communications concern legal topics, it is not intended to provide legal advice for specific situations. Even though we compile this information with due care, we cannot guarantee its accuracy and/or completeness. We will not accept liability for any inaccuracy and incompleteness of the information provided.

Any references via the Communications to websites and other external sources not maintained by us are mentioned for information purposes only vis-à-vis the visitor. Even though we maintain high selection standards regarding the external sources referred to, we cannot vouch for the contents and/or proper functioning thereof, nor for the quality of any products and/or services offered therein. The Communications are covered by our Copyright, and without our explicit written consent the recipient/user of the Communications concerned is not permitted to reproduce, distribute or disseminate the Communications or to make these available to third parties against payment.