Woman standing on spiral stairs (Danist Soh)

Privacy Policy

Scope of application

This disclaimer and this privacy statement apply to (the use of) all external advertising and/or other statements of The Evaluators, having its registered office and principal place of business in Hilversum, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under no. 82589739 (hereinafter referred to as: "we", "us" or "our"), including but not limited to our website(s) and the electronic newsletters and other messages sent by us. All of these communications combined are hereinafter referred to as: "Communications".

Privacy statement

We take your privacy extremely seriously, and whenever we process and use information regarding yourself, we will do so in a secure manner. In order to safeguard your privacy, we always act in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This page shows our privacy policy, and we recommend that you read this Privacy Statement carefully. Capitalised words in this Privacy Statement are defined terms in the General Terms and Conditions.

1. What type of information is collected and processed by us?

We store and process any information that you make available to us. The information collected by us includes your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and your bank details if applicable.

2. What do we do with these data?

We use these data to contact you, to be able to carry out and comply with the arrangements made with you. We may also use these data to send you informative or commercial messages related to our business.

3. For what purposes do we use your data?


We may use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To facilitate your use of the Communications and our service, such as creating an account;
  • For marketing purposes;
  • To send you information regarding our own services and to respond to your questions and feedback;
  • To compile anonymised / pseudonymized statistical data, for instance on the use of our Communications;
  • To disclose information about you to third parties (meaning third parties who do not belong to our organisation) if you have given your consent or if we are permitted to do so based on legislation;
  • To keep you informed about the development of our Service. In case of an expansion or update of our Services, for example, we will let you know.

If you do not wish to receive any e-mail messages from us, please contact us.

Third-party use

We will not provide your personal data to third parties without your explicit consent. We can and may provide your data to third parties, even without your consent, if the GDPR permits this.

4. How do we protect your data?

We will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure your (personal) data against loss or any form of unlawful processing.

For technical and operational reasons, we make use of the services provided by sub-processors when carrying out our services. Data (personal or otherwise) may be stored with the sub-processors - in the performance of our services. The sub-processors ensure an adequate level of protection of your personal data.

When transferring personal data to third parties in order to enable the processing of the personal data processed in countries outside the European Economic Area, we ensure that the data will be transferred and processed in a manner permitted under applicable privacy legislation.

5. How long will your data be kept?

We will not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for the purpose of the processing; this may vary from one situation to another, however. We use the statutory retention and/or limitation periods as a reasonable starting point.

We store the data we need for financial administration and tax payments in accordance with the applicable statutory retention periods (7 years). To delete/adapt your personal data in our system, please refer to the following heading.

In addition, please note that, as long as you appreciate our information, we will use your data to inform you periodically regarding our services.

6. Examination and rectification of your personal data

Access to your personal data

Would you like to know what data we have recorded about you, or do you wish to alter your personal data? Please contact us. We will endeavour to send you the requested information within 4 weeks.

Alteration, deletion, transfer and objection

Would you like to delete, alter or transfer your personal data - or have your personal data deleted, altered or transferred - to a third party, or do you wish to object to the (manner of) processing of your personal data? Please contact us.

7. Can this Privacy Statement be amended?

This Privacy Statement is subject to change, which changes will be announced through our Communications and/or by informing you.

8. Any questions or complaints?

Although we hope that these regulations fully answer all of your privacy questions, you may contact us any time for any questions or comments. If you have complaints regarding the use of your personal data or how we have processed your request(s), you do of course have the right to turn to the Dutch Data Protection Authority. However, we would appreciate it if you contacted us first so that we can help you in the best possible way.

Last modified on 13 October 2022.